
Friday, March 18, 2011


How much we trust others is equal to how much we trust ourselves & our ability to handle their imperfections!

I've finally learned that you will drive yourself to a very unhealthy place in your life trying to change what you can't control. The only thing you can change in this world is YOU and how you perceive & handle life situations. It's life's hardest lesson & I have to remind myself everyday to not just "take the high road" but to take the right path & be the example and person I want to reflect!

In my opinon you can expect people to do better than what they are, since it helps them to become better; nonetheless, don't be disappointed when they are not doing better. This will help them to keep trying!

I am so sorry to all of you that think I am so terribly tough on you. However in my mind, NOT BEING TOUGH on you feels like GIVING UP on you & resigning that this is all you will be. You are all so much better than you give yourselves credit or allow yourselves to be! You need to believe that and expect more from yourselves, just as I do! In order to climb the ladder of success you cannot climb with your hands in your pockets or just sit around and dream about it. You must get up and work hard at it!

If you knew you could not fail, what wouldn’t you try to achieve? You have to have a little motivation, some inspiration and above all else have a little faith; faith in yourself & faith in God! Remember though that faith is not faith until it's all you're holding on to. Faith is not believing that God can, but that God will!

When you’re motivated to reach a goal, it usually means there’s something in your life you want to change. You’re focused on what you don’t want, rather than on what you do want! For example, you’re motivated to do better in school, get a good job, lose weight, be healthier, etc. Motivation signifies hard work, determination and persevering through the tough times. When we’re inspired, we’re uplifted and energized by what we want. Inspiration means, “to breathe life into.” So when we’re inspired to change something in our life, our inspiration breathes life into our actions. Motivation alone is hard work however, motivation with inspiration is joyous.

You have to remember that what we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do! I have to remind myself every day that just because I didn’t do it today, doesn’t mean I’ve given up Don’t procrastinate either though, let every moment be an opportunity and stay focused. STAY FAITHFUL AND BE GRATEFUL!!!!!!
